Putting lock-down to work on those long-deferred projects? Make sure you’ve got the resources to get them finished


While the COVID-19 lock-down has been socially and mentally challenging for a lot of Australians, many people have taken the opportunity to start progressing a whole range of projects that have stalled over the years.

Putting lock-down to work on those long-deferred projects

Let’s face it, in normal times most of us head into every weekend with big plans for getting a project completed but most of us get to Sunday evening and wonder how the time went, promising to get to it the next weekend.

With Australians spending so much time at home, sports cancelled and other entertainment options limited, many of us have turned to those long deferred projects with a bit of gusto. So much so that hardware outlets such as Bunnings, Mitre 10 and Home have reported significant increases in trade volume since community isolation rules were implemented in March this year. In fact, the Brisbane Times reported in May that Bunnings has recorded double digit sales results in the first five months of 2020. –

And it’s not just home renovations and jobs around the house that have been the focus of our attention. People are also taking the time to get their financial affairs in order, setting up home businesses and consequently spending more on office items and computer hardware and software – one report even suggesting that the social lock-down measures have saved Australia’s PC market.

At the same time, however, Australian families are generally experiencing tighter financial conditions, with an increase in casualisation, reduced working hours implemented by companies as a cost-saving measure and wage increases stalled. So, while there is scope and impetus to get those jobs done or set yourself up for future financial security, for some it will be stretching household budgets. For others, the projects may have started but lack of funds has put a halt to progress.

If you have found yourself in that situation, there may be some value in considering a small, short term loan from a reputable credit provider like Spondooli. If you’re struggling to find the immediate cash to finish an important project, a short term, low value loan can be secured quickly and easily in order to maintain progress, as long as you meet the requisite lending criteria including secure employment and a track record of earnings (demonstrated by your bank account history).

The advantage of this form of credit is that you don’t need to wade through the excessive paperwork required for a personal loan from a banking institution, and the funds are usually available within a few hours once the credit is approved.

Being close to completing a project or a new initiative, only to be held up by a short term lack of funds, is incredibly frustrating but also incredibly easy to deal with. If you have found yourself in this situation, consider getting in contact with Spondooli today to get a short term loan for up to $5,000 and knock that project off your to-do list.

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