Valuable Safety Tips to Transfer Money to India Online


While online remittance service providers do their part by taking multiple security measures, customers should also know the basic safety tips for securing their transfers. Some useful safety tips for online transfers to India are discussed in this post.

Transfer Money to India Online

Online fund transfers are known for their safety. Reputed remittance providers such as banks use a host of advanced features to ensure that each of their customer transfers is highly protected at all times.

But online security is not entirely the responsibility of the service providers. Even the customers need to do their part for enhanced safety.

If you use online remittance for transferring funds to India, then here are some safety tips that you should never forget-

  1. Use a Strong Password and Change It Regularly

When you create an account with an online remittance provider, you receive a user ID and password for logging into your account. You are then free to change your password as and when needed. Ensure that you choose a strong password that combines uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numbers, and symbols.

You should also regularly change your password for enhanced safety. Needless to say, you should never share your account credentials or write them down on your computer or mobile.

  1. Use a Genuine Antivirus and Update Mobile OS

If you use your PC for fund transfers to India, then use a genuine copy of antivirus software. While you can easily find free antivirus tools, they are not very effective against the latest cyber threats. Only genuine software that is regularly updated by the provider will offer the best security.

Also, if you use the remittance provider’s mobile app, then update your phone’s operating system as and when it is released. New OS updates often come with additional features to increase your mobile phone’s security and patches for newly discovered bugs.

  1. Only Send Funds to People You Know

The remittance service provider can only help you to an extent. If you intentionally make a transfer to someone, then there is not much your service provider will be able to do in some cases.

Thus, it is always better to only send money to people you know. Avoid scams such as phishing scams, lottery scams, dating scams, etc., and never trust a deal that sounds too good to be true.

  1. Save the Transfer Receipt

Every time you transfer money to India online, you’ll be provided with a digital transfer receipt by the service provider. The receipt has all the details of your transfer, along with a reference number. Make sure that you save this receipt.

If you want to cancel a transfer after confirming it or have reasons to believe that you’ve been scammed, then instantly contact the service provider and assist them with all the details they need. The transfer receipt will play a vital role in the process.

Ensuring Complete Safety of Your Online Transfers to India

Digital remittance offers a host of valuable benefits as compared to offline transfers. They are faster, cheaper, and available 24×7. But if you also want to make your transfers safe, then there is no option but to follow the basic safety protocols.

Keep these tips in mind every time you send funds to India so that your hard-earned money reaches your beneficiary in the safest possible manner.

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