The Right Proportion of Tax For You


With the revenue from taxes, the state finances the services and activities for which it is responsible in society. The tax government collects about two-thirds of the money the state needs as taxes.

Taxes are divided into direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes include taxes that are paid directly by the taxpayer. Indirect taxes end up being paid by the consumer through the bend, as the seller adds them to the price of the product or service. Using the business calculator for counting the taxes is essential there.

Taxes can also be divided into proportional and progressive taxes

A relative tax rate means that an equal amount of tax is paid on income regardless of the amount of salary. If the tax is progressive, the tax rate increases according to income.

Taxes are snapped, but what do they get? A student’s year in primary school costs society about 9,000 euros, learning is free for students. We collected examples of real prices for education, health care, and day care.

Education is paid for by society

Studying in Finland is free up to the university – for the student. After primary school, expression continues, although books and other learning materials become chargeable to the student. Similarly, school trips are not paid.

For society the most expensive studies are in vocational schools, the cheapest in high school.

The cost of education to society

In healthcare, customer fees only cover a slice of actual prices

When you get just over a dozen bills for a health center dental visit and fifty bills for a hospital ward, do you know the right cost? The price of both is actually much higher.

The cost of these treatments to society is more than five times higher: in 2015, a visit to a dentist in Finland cost an average of 86 euros / visit and inpatient care 255 euros / day.

In physical specialty care, the difference between the customer’s price tag and the society’s price tag already bounces to more than a thousand euros a day.

Customer fees for some health services vs. actual costs (€)

Physical (somatic) specialist medical care means non-mental specialist medical care. For dental care, there is only a basic fee in the table.

Customer fees are political decisions

So what determines how much the customer has to pay for the services?

Quite independently, municipalities are not able to impose fees, as the law sets maximum fees. However, municipalities can choose whether to introduce lower fees or provide the service for free. The differences between municipalities can be large.For example, Helsinki does not charge a fee for visiting a health center at all. In some municipalities, the client pays either an annual health center fee of € 41.70 or € 20.90 for up to the first three visits.Ultimately, customer fees are decided by the municipal council or the consortium government.

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